Thursday, December 20, 2012

No Prehensilizing

Choose wisely.

[i declare undying love for this practically free font: SULLIVAN]

Monday, December 10, 2012

To The RegEx Cave, Robin!


It matches all ASCII characters from the space to the tilde.
It is more like the Batman of regexes.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What Is This? Poetry?

Tire swing swings against old tree even even though there is no wind in the willows.

Young boy who might easily be confused for a girl girl taps his fingers relentlessly in a familiar rhythm.

An an understanding is reached between the crows and the cats regarding their human pets.

A lady forgets a password to the computer that is calculating the answer answer to everything and then some.

Robbers in a getaway car, start celebrating as they get away but another vehicle, preferably larger, skewers them them.

Wet sprockets named Toad exist only in fertile imaginations.

Pigeons are known to have expressed a keen interest in the works of Slyvia Plath.

There are only 14 antelopes in the whole world that understand the works of Jacques Derrida.

Harry Potter was initially offered the role of Peeta Mellark in The Hunger Games.

"And the Twain shall never met" which is why Mark Twain never met any other Twain in his life.

Don't run with scissors because if the wind changes while you are doing that, you are fucked.

Sherlock Holmes kept bees after retirement. A veritable harem that would shame a sheik.

Our universe might be beige but Douglas Adam's universe is fuchsia.

IKEA is run by the Lotus Eaters.

Westeros does not have corners.


Daniil Kharms (1905-42) mainly made a living writing children's books in Leningrad. He also wrote poems and absurd short stories, often published in underground magazines, after the avant-garde literary societies that Kharms was associated with were banned by the Stalin regime.
In 1931 Kharms was convicted of anti-Soviet activity and spent a year in prison and exile in Kursk. In 1937 his children's books were confiscated by the authorities, and deprived of his main source of income Kharms was often on the brink of starvation in the following years. He continued to write short, grotesque stories, which weren't published, but merely stored in Kharms' desk drawer.
In August 1941, shortly before the terrible siege of Leningrad, Kharms was arrested a second time, accused of "spreading defeatist propaganda". During the trial Kharms was declared non compos mentis and was incarcerated in a military prison. In February 1942, while Leningrad was ravaged by famine, Kharms starved to death in prison.

A good collection of his stories at this website.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Big Book Of Animals, O'Reilly Publications

flying squirrel
grasshopper [and this book is written by someone called 'cricket liu']
horse, trojan
jaguar, black
loris, slender
night monkey
python [see what i did there?]
queen [logo has several animals, so don't crib]
gnu [u is not gnu]

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Started A Band

But Their Music Sucks.

The Dead Parrots are Guy [vocals, bass, tux and domino mask], Spaceman [guitar, red astronaut suit] and Octopus [drums].

[i love the black keys]
[rather excellent font called jura on]

Sunday, October 7, 2012


"What immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy fearful symmetry?" ~ William Blake

[an experiment with]

Sunday, September 30, 2012


"Like arms of primitive crinoid." ~ H.P. Lovecraft, At The Mountains of Madness

[an experiment with]

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Art Deco Sentences

Finally! An art deco font. And oh so Shiny.

[get the font at I command you]

Friday, August 3, 2012

On The Internet

..and I like it?

Another of those delectable fonts that Lost Type offers: Ribbon

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Want To Objectify You So Hard

I really do.

[font: lucida sans typewriter]

Sunday, July 15, 2012

"50 States Of Grey"

a map of the united states of america done in grey titled "50 states of grey"

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gentleman Squid


Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekend Working Man Blues

This Charming Man.

I love The Smiths.
And this font: Carton

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

Set You Free

Not really, no.

Been listening to a lot of Black Keys recently.
Another delectable free font, Lavanderia Sturdy used.

That colour is TARDIS BLUE [#210664]

Friday, May 18, 2012


Time, it does wonderful things.

free font used: Bree Serif

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Seven Wants of Highly Effective Doppelhangers

i want to create a tv show in which one of the characters, obviously not a main character
but like a weird best friend to the main guy because after all the real best friend will be a
girl and the main guy will be in love with the best friend girl because there is a lot of
romantic tension to be explored in that and that apparently can carry a show for seasons,
will read a fictional comic book.
the tv show will achieve cult status mostly because it will say clever things without meaning them.
the fictional comic will get some spinoff attention.

i want to start my own enterprise, not in a Star Trek way, and be about sub-culture and call it "Geeks Bearing Gifts copyrighted register trademarked."
no idea what it will be actually about though.
it won't be really popular though.

i want to write a bildungsroman, that will have like parallels and stuff with my life and it will take all my pain and turn it into passion and shit 'cause that is what all the cool books have these days.
none of that 'write the truth, the hemming-way' bullshit for me.
hemmingway is dead now and look where that got vampires.
there will be some emo dialogue in that book which I plan to source straight from this girl I know.
though I would like to do more than know her but i can't coz she is like a 11 and i am like a 01 on the binary scale.

i want to know why curtains are called curtains and why marbles are called marbles and why crows are called crows and not just in a 'i am a curious kid, call me cute, pat me on the head and lie to my face' way.
things, you know.
what is wrong with wanting things?

i want to meet a "gurl" in what they call a chance encounter and have some more of these fabled chance encounters with her.
we would connect instantly in that way you only read/see/hear about and we would meet intermittently entirely by coincidence and quantum physics and not because i would be stalking her.
i would not do that but i would like it if she did that.
we would soon lose touch and this missed connection would fuel my angst and result into a poetry collection that would be absolutely dragon-piss but the critics would all be hipsters claiming "his passion is my christ"

i want to make art.
enduring stuff, maybe not popular for the masses.
okay, definitely not for the masses but more like for the discerning gent sitting in the oak panelled victorian lap of luxury who would not mind poisoning his body with nicotine and wine and gluttony.
i would like to be the vincent of the vain world.

i want too much.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

When Death Calls No.2

Death talks sexytime.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Voted Most Likely To Misbehave

Yeah, well, they were showing Serenity on T.V. this weekend.

Friday, April 6, 2012

When Death Calls No.1

We have all been there.. I mean WHO DOESN'T LIKE WEARING BLACK?

Sunday, March 25, 2012


So, yeah. Minimal Batman. Because I say so.

Done in using paintbucket, line/curve tool and paintbrush. Only.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Back When I Was A Teen..

Once upon a time, I made some post-it notes featuring minimalist movie scenes. This is the only one that I like.

exhibit b
give a man a hammer

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Yay! Post-rock!

women who love men who love drugs who love this song

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Seventh Seal

With apologies to a whole list of people including but not limited to 
Ingmar Bergman, Seal [mammal], Seal [singer],
the original photoshop wizard who combined the two above mentioned Seals,
and above all
You, person who clicked on the link.